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Do you want to become the best theta healer you can be?

Then join Susie Valentine as she leads this special event giving you access to the style and content of the game changing Intuitive Anatomy course.

During this session, you will:

  • Refine your energy scanning with Susie's top tips
  • Further develop your psychic skills
  • Begin to understand how the belief system is linked to the health of the body

This day is for certified Theta Healers who have completed the Basic DNA course as a minimum.

Amazing Content during this Special Masterclass

For you today: £80

Purchase your ticket now

Limited number of tickets remain

  • Energy scanning is one of the most important aspects of theta healing.
  • Being able to sense what is going on inside your client's body will guide you quickly to identify their limiting beliefs linked to the sources of pain.
  • When we clear the right beliefs it allows the body an opportunity to start recovering.
Woman Theta Healing

Nervous about committing to a 15 course without knowing if it is right for you?

You trust your intuition and the guidance of the Creator.

You are well practised at emotional and spiritual healing.

You know how to dig for beliefs and shift them in the subconscious.

But you feel that at some point, your clients will be looking for physical healing and you will need to know how beliefs are linked to the human body. Are you ready to get started?

Join for the day and have self-confidence in your decision

We know that every great journeys start with a single small step, so by joining the Pre-IA day, you will have the chance to explore what the Intuitive Anatomy course is all about without being committed to doing the full 15 days.

Get a taster of this deep and transformational course, the most powerful one in the ThetaHealing® modality!

Work with experienced healers and gain profound knowledge about whether this truly is your next step.

Man Theta Healing
Woman Theta Healing

Nervous about committing to a 15 day course without knowing if it is right for you?

You trust your intuition and the guidance of the Creator.

You are well practised at emotional and spiritual healing.

You know how to dig for beliefs and shift them in the subconscious.

But you feel that at some point, your clients will be looking for physical healing and you will need to know how beliefs are linked to the human body. Are you ready to get started?

Man Theta Healing

Join for the day and have self-confidence in your decision

We know that every great journey starts with a single small step, so by joining the Pre-IA day, you will have chance to explore what the Intuitive Anatomy course is all about without being committed to doing the full 15 days.

Get a taster of this deep and transformational course, the most powerful one in the ThetaHealing® modality!

Work with experienced healers and gain profound knowledge about whether this truly is your next step.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“IA for my was deeply grounding and a journey to truly understand myself.

One of the most transformative courses I have taken and many of my fears are gone.

I highly recommend taking this course if you feel called to it and are ready for deep shifts within yourself "


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Doing IA with Susie was a very safe space for me to open up and heal.

Her authenticity helps to allow yourself to see exactly what you are holding on to and her teaching supports you to resolve the beliefs from the genetic line and history level.”


This is for you if:

  • You want to discover more about yourself, your own body and the beliefs linked to different organs
  • You want to know what it's all about before committing to the Intuitive Anatomy Course
  • You want to understand how the body expresses itself and how theta healing can rebalance the body

Please note that this event is for certified Theta Healers who have already completed the Basic Course as a minimum prerequisite.

Grow together with a community of healers

For just £80 you’ll get to learn and grow with like-minded theta healers who are also looking to take their next steps.

Meet Susie

Master Theta Healing Instructor

Susie Valentine is passionate about empowering others to realise their dreams and become the best version of themselves. She is a Theta Healing Master Instructor and business coach for Theta Healers who want to build their business and live their purpose.

She brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding from her successful corporate career in hospitality, real estate and investment industries. Building on her 15 years of personal development experience, she works with clients to clear fear and grow confidence so they can step into their life purpose.

Susie Valentine - Master Theta Healing Instructor


When is the Pre-IA Day?

Live, online via Zoom from 12:00pm to 5.00pm GMT (UK time) on Sunday 30th March 2024.

What are the prerequisites?

The only prerequiste for the Pre-IA Day is that you are a certified theta healing practitioner - i.e. you've completed the 3 day Basic DNA course

The prerequisites for Intuitive Anatomy itself are: Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper and You & The Creator.

Why are you hosting this Pre-IA taster day?

Because jumping straight into a deeply profound 15 day course without knowing or understanding what it is all about can be scary! This day is to de-mystify the course, answer your questions and give you the confidence to know whether now is your time to do Intuitive Anatomy.

Let’s do this

Are you ready to do something exciting?

Secure your place for just £80